International Conference on Applied Research in Management Sciences

Theme: Innovative Practices in Management Sciences: Bridging Theory with Applied Research


About XXI ICARMS-2025

Colombo, Sri Lanka

International Conference on Applied Research in Management Sciences (JUCMS-ICARMS 2025) 


Theme: "Innovative Practices in Management Sciences: Bridging Theory with Applied Research "


Conference overview:


JUCMS-ICARMS 2025 provides scholars and academicians with practitioners and policymakers an opportunity to construct research networks and pursue collaborative projects for knowledge sharing. The conference provides researchers with an exceptional platform to exchange information and debates about recent advancements in management sciences research using practical applications. Through the combination of theory and practice between multiple areas of study the conference works to promote innovative solution planning for current problems. Participating individuals will learn about modern movements that are developing management sciences for the future. Multiple interactive programs including working sessions and oral paper presentations and poster sessions as well as workshops, panel discussions, and seminars guarantee productive knowledge exchange between participants.

Call for Papers

International Conference on Applied Research in Management Sciences (JUCMS-ICARMS 2025) 


Theme: "Innovative Practices in Management Sciences: Bridging Theory with Applied Research "


Call for Papers:

The International Conference on " Innovative Practices in Management Sciences: Bridging Theory with Applied Research " invites researchers, academicians, practitioners, and policymakers to contribute their original and unpublished work. The conference aims to explore emerging challenges, trends, and innovations in these dynamic fields, fostering an interdisciplinary dialogue to bridge theoretical insights with practical applications.


We welcome submissions in the form of research papers, case studies, conceptual papers, and technical reports that align with the conference theme and subthemes.


Key Topics Covered:

Strategic Management & Organizational Behavior

Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management

Marketing Trends & Consumer Behavior

Financial Management & Investment Strategies

Human Resource Management & Workplace Dynamics

Operations & Supply Chain Management

Business Analytics & Digital Transformation

Corporate Governance & Ethics in Management

Sustainability & Green Business Practices

Leadership & Decision-Making in the Digital Age

International Business & Global Markets

Public Policy & Management


The JUCMS-ICARMS 2025 initiative works towards closing theoretical-practical gaps by developing discussions across fields to generate practical and sustainable business solutions. 

Publication opportunity:


All accepted papers for the conference will be published in Taylor and Francis Conference Proceedings (Under approval process) and will be submitted to all indexing platforms. (Indexing subjects to quality of paper and adherence to Scopus guidelines) Also, all the conference abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceedings with ISBN. Submitted papers must not be under consideration by any other journal or publication.



Important Dates

Full paper submission open date January 01 2025 -
Full paper submission last date April 30 2025 -
Peer review May 01 2025 June 30 2025
Paper Acceptance letter July 14 2025 -
Camera ready paper last date July 31 2025 -
Conference dates August 12 2025 August 13 2025


Academic Partner

Academic Partner

About Nehru College of Management


Nehru College of Management is a Stand-alone B-School with a rich history dating back to 1996 offering two years full time programmes, MBA & MCA, Affiliated to Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. The institution offers Leadership Excellence Training at NOBLE with South Indias largest zip line facility, and a holistic education with hi-tech air-conditioned modern classrooms and high-speed Wi-Fi facilities. The curriculum focuses on entrepreneurship, offering funding proposal options for those aspiring to be their own bosses. Activity-based learning through games, workshops, project works and case studies enhances the learning experience. The college also offers value-added certification courses in Data Analytics, Supply Chain Management, and Airline & Airport Management. Placement training is exclusively through NCPIR, ensuring 100% assured placement assistance. A 3-star hostel facility provides a comfortable and secure living environment for students. Scholarships are offered to meritorious and special category students. The institution is a member of professional bodies like CII and CMA, maintaining strong industry connections. The specialized faculty brings both industrial and academic experience to enrich the learning experience. The Student Development Council (SDC) gives the opportunity for the students to practice the management skills.Various clubs within the institution nurture the talents of young students, providing a platform for them to showcase their skills.

Conference Registration Fee

Conference registration fee: Per Person (Before May 1, 2025)

Academician Conference Registration fee INR 13,000 USD 250
Research Scholars fee INR 11,000 USD 200
Students fee without publication INR 750 USD 50
Students fee with publication INR 9,000 USD 150


  • Conference Proceedings
  • Conference compendium CD with ISBN
  • Conference Lunch
  • Conference Certificate
  • All Taxes

  • All accepted papers for the conference will be published in Taylor and Francis Conference Proceedings (Under approval process) and will be submitted to all indexing platforms. (Indexing subjects to quality of paper and adherence to Scopus guidelines) Also, all the conference abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceedings with ISBN. Submitted papers must not be under consideration by any other journal or publication.

    Rules and Regulations:

    1. Registration and Fees:

    All participants must register and pay the applicable fees before attending the conference. Registration provides access to conference sessions, materials, and activities.

    2. Paper Submission:

    •           All papers should be original and not published previously or after the conference.

    •           Authors and co-authors must provide correct affiliations inside the paper.

    •           The organizing committee may not accept papers submitted after the last registration date.

    •           Papers will be accepted after review by two independent reviewers.

    •           After registration, authors/co-authors cannot be added, modified, or deleted without permission from all listed authors.

    •           Unregistered papers will not be published.

    •           The organizing committee is not responsible for verifying the original authorship. The person submitting the paper will be considered the original author.

    •           If a complaint about authorship originality is received and found to be true, the paper will be suspended from publication immediately.

    3. Attending International Conference:

    •           All participants must register before coming to the conference through the registration menu on the official conference website

    •           Participants must follow the official conference page regularly to get the latest information about the event.

    •           The organizer may change the venue and date at any time before the conference. Registered participants will be notified via email and phone if such changes occur.

    •           Participants should not be involved in any kind of violence inside or outside the venue at any time before or after the event.

    •           All participants are expected to reach the venue for their scheduled presentations.

    •           The organizing committee reserves all rights to publish conference images on any platform at any time.

    4. Plagiarism policy:

    •           The plagiarism policy ensures authors give due credit to other authors while referencing and it protects the academic integrity of the research community.

    •           All submitted research papers go through plagiarism detection software to verify originality and identify similarity percentages.

    •           Papers failing to meet the stated criteria will be returned to the author for modification before further consideration.

    •           If plagiarism is detected before publication, the author will get a chance to resubmit the modified paper as per the editors suggestions.

    •           If the editor deems plagiarism as a major issue, the paper will not be considered for publication.

    •           If plagiarism/fake identity is suspected after publication, the paper will be removed from the website until verification is complete.

    •           For minor plagiarized portions, the author can modify the published paper, which will be restored after the editors approval.

    •           If plagiarism/fake identity is a major issue violating others copyrights, the paper will remain removed, and the author will face penalties as per UGC norms.

    •           The journal website will mention the removal, and indexing services will be notified accordingly.

    Authors republishing their earlier published work (self-plagiarism) will be dealt with using the same procedures mentioned above.



    Conference Schedule

    Chief Guest

    Prof. Dr. Dinesh Nilkant

    Pro Vice-Chancellor
    JAIN (Deemed-to-be University), Bengaluru


    Dr. Harold Andrew Patrick

    Professor and Dean
    JAIN (Deemed-to-be University), Bengaluru

    Dr. Srimantoorao. S. Appadoo

    Professor and Head
    Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba, Canada.

    Dr. K. K. K. Dharmathilaka

    The Registrar
    University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka

    Dr. Ravichandran Krishnamoorthy

    CMS Business School Jain University, Bangalore.

    Eminent conference speakers

    Dr. K. K. K. Dharmathilaka

    The Registrar
    University of Kelaiya, Sri Lanka.

    Dr. Easwaramoorthy Rangaswamy

    Principal & Provost
    Amity Global Institute, Singapore

    Prof. Dr. KAUP MOHAMED

    Dean & Managing Director London American City college
    UAE & Adjunct Professor, Madonna University Michigan, USA

    Dr. Harold Andrew Patrick

    Professor and Dean
    JAIN (Deemed-to-be University), Bengaluru

    Conference chair

    Dr. Salma begum

    Assistant professor and area chair
    JAIN (Deemed-to-be University), Bengaluru

    Dr. Hemanth kumar

    JAIN (Deemed-to-be University), Bengaluru

    Advisory Board Members

    Dr. Srimantoorao. S. Appadoo

    Professor and Head
    Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba, Canada.

    Dr. Ariyarathna Jayamaha

    Dean, Faculty of Graduates Studies,
    University of Kelaiya, Sri Lanka.

    Dr. Easwaramoorthy Rangaswamy

    Principal & Provost
    Amity Global Institute, Singapore

    Dr. Sandeep Ojha

    Head of Accounting Major
    Department of International Business Administration, Salalah, Sultanate of Oman.

    Dr. B. Murali Manohar

    Professor and Dean - SCM
    D Y Patil Agriculture & Technical University Talsande, MH

    Dr. Kenny Netshiongolwe

    President and Vice Chancellor
    SAFFIIT University, Midrand, South Africa.

    Dr. Rupa Gunaseelan

    Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. India.

    Dr. Emmanuel Awuor

    Management University of Africa, Nairobi, Kenya

    Dr. Adil Hassan Bakheet Khalid

    Associate Dean for Research
    Sohar University, Sultanate of Oman

    Dr. Yuvraj Gajpal

    Associate Professor
    Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba, Canada.

    Dr. Ritwij Bhowmik

    Associate Professor
    IIT Kanpur, Kanpur. India

    Contact chair

    Jey Yoganand

    Executive Director
    Academic Research Conferences

    Conference Venue

    Contact Us

    Author Guidelines

    Submission Guidelines

    Submission Guidelines: 

    1.          The paper must be submitted in .doc format

    2.         The images must be of high resolution at least 300 dpi

    3.         While sharing the manuscript please ensure you create separate folders for papers and name them accordingly.

    4.         Within each folder there should be concerned paper along with signed copyright form, plagiarism scan report and review reports.

    5.         It is recommended that all the citations be in author style.

    6.         The tables must not be in image format.

    7.         Please ensure for all the figures and equations citations and sources are provided.

    8.         For original work, please leave a remark that this is an original work.

    9.         Please ensure that plagiarism ratio should not exceed 10 %. In case it is above 10 % please share the remarks for higher plagiarism ratio and try to keep it below 15 %. Please note that this is an exception and should not be treated as norm.

    10.        All the corrections, regarding author’s name, affiliation, designation, content, and other technical information should be shared by first proof failing which no further corrections will be made.

    11.         Lead editors are requested to cross check each and everything regarding author’s name and their affiliations, along with Lead editors’ details, and share the correct information while submitting the manuscript or during first proof cycle in inventory sheet. Please ensure that corrections are not communicated in mail body or should be done by first proof cycle. This is to ensure smooth and quick publication process.

    12.        Please share the paper to

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